We're excited to share our latest addition to uTheory's lessons: Octave Numbers!
In this lesson students learn to write and identify notes in specific octaves, using International Pitch Notation/Scientific Pitch Notation system, which labels middle C as C4.
Learning Outcomes:
Students completing this lesson will be able to:
- Identify where middle C is on the piano, treble clef and bass clef staffs,
- Write notes in the specific octaves in the treble clef and bass clef staffs,
- Understand the relationship of accidentals to note naming with octave numbers.
Trying out this Lesson:
To try out this lesson, log in, then go to uTheory → Lessons and click "Octave Numbers" under Pitch and Harmony.

If you're a teacher and don't see the lesson, be sure you're viewing uTheory as a teacher (click to make the professor's cap appear, as below), and refresh your browser to load the latest version of uTheory.

If you're a student and don't see this lesson on uTheory, it's possible your teacher has not turned this lesson on yet for your class.
Enabling this Lesson for Students:
Teachers can add this lesson to their classes by going to uTheory → Teach → Classes → ... → Choose Lessons, and checking the "Octave Numbers" lesson under ear training.
New Skills:
This lesson also introduces several new skills, which you may wish to include in your classes (by setting checking the skill), or set to optional (unchecking the skill) to allow students to practice, but not count towards their grade. (You can hide skills by clicking until you see an eye with a slash through it.)
You can find these by going to uTheory → Teach → Classes → ... → Choose Skills → Pitch & Harmony. Under Treble Clef you'll need to check "Treble Clef Octave Numbers," and under Bass Clef, check "Bass Clef Octave Numbers."
Learn more about teaching with uTheory here, and feel free to reach out any time with your questions by writing us at hello@utheory.com!