We want to help students continue their music education despite the coronavirus, so starting today, uTheory.com is providing free institutional licenses for schools affected by Covid-19. If your institution is moving online, whether temporarily or for the remainder of the academic year, we’ll set up a free school license from now through July 1, 2020.
New users: Register at https://utheory.com/teach and we’ll set up your group license right away.
Current users: Fill out this form and we’ll create a group license for your school.
Teaching music online is hard to do well, and we’re experts at it.

uTheory is a web-based online learning platform for music theory, rhythm and ear training. Through video lessons, individualized practice, and proficiency testing, uTheory has helped thousands of students around the world learn the fundamentals of music theory, rhythm and ear training. It’s trusted and used at top high schools, middle schools and colleges, including Columbia University, Baylor University and the Oberlin Conservatory.
uTheory is fully cloud-based, and runs in a web browser on a computer, chromebook, phone or tablet, with no software or app to install. Whether your school has a one-to-one, bring-your-own-device or computer-lab approach to technology, uTheory will just work.
Through videos and interactive exercises, uTheory creates the constant learn it–practice it–develop it loop that we see in the very best teaching.
We’ve build a huge variety of activities, literally hundreds, to replicate what happens in face-to-face teaching and to give students immediate feedback. We guide struggling students with hints so they learn to find the right answer.

And, we give students motivation, showing them how their work is translating into mastery of skills.
We connect concepts to sound, providing high quality audio feedback for every question and exercise in uTheory.
As a teacher you can configure what lessons are required, optional or hidden from students. You can set due dates, see your students’ progress, and you can choose your preferred solfege system so that all of the videos and exercises will use the language you use with your students.
Learn more about teaching with uTheory here.