Dropping in with a few important announcements:
- Episode one of Notes From The Staff, on solfege systems, is now available
- uTheory will be offline for planned maintenance from 10pm on Sat, 1/29 to 10am Eastern on Sun, 1/30
- Headed to OMEA or TMEA? So is uTheory!
Notes From The Staff

Why should you use a solfege system? Which system should you use? And, how do you introduce it to your students? Tune in at utheory.com/notes or wherever you get your podcasts to hear these answers, and more, in our first episode.
New Year, New Database
As uTheory has grown, so has the computer code that powers it. On Saturday, January 29th at 10:00 pm Eastern time, we'll be taking uTheory offline for about 12 hours to upgrade to a more powerful database.
Check out this blog post for more about the changes taking place. The post is quite technical, but we wanted to share with you a bit of what we're up to!
It's conference season! uTheory will be at the Ohio Music Education Association conference from February 3rd-5th, and the Texas Music Education Association convention February 10th-12th. If you're headed to OMEA or TMEA, stop by the uTheory booth and say hey to the team!
Greg and David will also present a clinic at TMEA – Beyond Paper and Pencil: The benefits of learning theory online. Attend on Thursday, February 10th at 11:30, in the Grand Hyatt 4th Floor Republic B.
Let's Meet
Have questions about teaching with uTheory? Want to make a request or give us feedback? Let's chat! Click here to schedule an online meeting, or email support@utheory.com.
As always, if you have an idea or feature request, give us a shout at support@utheory.com.