For Teachers Google Classroom Integration It’s here - uTheory now integrates with Google Classroom! Synchronize your classes, rosters, assignments and grades, and worry about one less password for both you and your students.
News New Features – July 2020 We are excited to announce new updates to uTheory for both teachers and students, based on the list of most-requested features from you. These are all now up and running and available today in uTheory!
For Teachers uTheory Tests Tests can created, and administered by any teacher with a uTheory group license or testing-only license.
For Teachers Student Accommodations Teachers can now create accommodations as required on an individual student basis.
News Pricing Updates for uTheory 2020-2021 School Year Pricing now starts at just $10/student and is as low as $3/student in quantity. Plus, get $50 off for every 50 students on a license now until Aug 1.
News uTheory Roadmap: June 2020 As the school year comes to a close, we've been taking notes on the most requested features from teachers and students alike, and are excited to share these with you.
News Free access for Covid-19 affected schools We want to help students continue their music education despite the coronavirus, so starting today, is providing free…
Dalcroze Favorite Dalcroze Games (Vol. 1?) Most Dalcroze lessons are made up of a series of games centered around a topic, and often leading up to a particular piece of music. But…
For Teachers Classes In uTheory, classes are groups of students— you might have one for Music Theory 101 and another for 3rd Hour Choir, for instance.
For Teachers Lesson & Checkpoint Settings Choose lessons, set due dates, and configure access restrictions
For Teachers Customized Music Theory Tests and Placement Exams “Pre”-Mediation for college-level theory
News uTheory Accessibility Information TL;DR: We’re working hard to make uTheory accessible to everyone. Here’s some of what we’re up to. Or, checkout our Accessibility Roadmap…
For Teachers Group Licenses for Education Now you can provide uTheory subscriptions to your students with discounts starting at 50% off the individual subscriber cost.
News Teacher Backend Improvements Since we launched uTheory, we’ve been delighted and surprised at how many college, universities and high schools have adopted it for to…
Teaching Tips An Introduction to Dalcroze’s Solfège Pedagogy Fixed-do, C-to-C scales, harmonic contextualization and improvisation form the heart of Dalcroze’s solfège method.
News Rhythm Reading is Ready The rhythm sight reading app in now runs happily on iOS, Android, and desktop browsers. Making that work was hard. Making it…
News Pitch & Harmony Nearing Completion Written music theory lessons on are nearing completion.
Dalcroze Dal-who? Your-what? An introduction to Dalcroze Eurhythmics If you’ve never heard of Dalcroze Eurhythmics — the pedagogy which uses movement & games to teach music — you’re not alone!
Teaching Tips Teaching Music Theory: Lessons learned in the trenches So it turns out that lots of people struggle with learning music theory and ear training. This may not be news to you, but it caught me off…
For Teachers Applying your group license to classes Once you’ve purchased a uTheory group license, you’ll need to turn it on for the classes you teach in uTheory, otherwise your students will not get free access and will be prompted to pay after 10 pages each day.